速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Runic formulas

Runic formulas





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Runic formulas(圖1)-速報App

Ancient signs that gave the Scandinavian gods, able not only to predict the future or look into the past, but also to heal, to help and to destroy. For each action has its own wording, partly unique. In this app you will find huge collection of nordic runes talismans, magic formulas and amulets + meanings that help you to fulfill your plans.

The runes and their significance for a long time were hidden from the views of most ordinary people. Only thanks to the close cooperation of historians, custodians of the ancient Scandinavian traditions and leading esotericists, it was possible to disclose the significance of the runes as the most powerful, fundamental magic symbols associated with the very universe. In our collection, an exact and capacious description and interpretation of the runes is given, and also explains the difference between various runic alphabets and the subtleties of their practical application.

The runic divination can be used to help guide you through problems or issues and help show you what is likely to happen. Runes are known for hinting towards answers, but leaving you to work out the details, which is where intuition is helpful.

Runic readers acknowledge that the future isn’t fixed and that individuals have the power to follow their own path and make their own decisions. So if you don’t like the guidance that a rune reading provides, you’ve got the power to change your direction, or your path, and follow a different route.

Runic formula

Runic formula

Fortune teller

Future in love

Runic formulas(圖2)-速報App

Relationship reading

Six popular spreads with the description of the alignment of the runes

Rune meanings

Save and load divination

Runes Draw


Runes' Consecration


Runic formulas(圖3)-速報App

My Formulas